Page uploaded on 8/15/2014
Joy has extended the deadline to August 30, for the bios for the Journal she is preparing. A Word Document is the best format to send her…….[email protected]. She now has 50 bios. Rick is waiting for dinner reservation checks. That deadline is September 30 (which cannot be extended). Send them to him, Rick Kisling, 9 Colonial Drive, Bethel, CT 06801. There are still rooms available at the Renaissance. Don’t wait till you have to bunk on the ship AGAIN!! ENDOWMENT UPDATE FROM JOSE: As we enter the final phase of our cruise endowment fund raising endeavor, we find our effort falling short of our intended goal of $25,000 by the time of the reunion. To date, we have raised $11,350 from approximately 30 classmates, with many of the donations coming in tax year 2013. (THANK YOU, GUYS!) We can do better than the record shows. One of the best ways to assist the College in maintaining the synergistic education academic and practical experiences we all benefitted from, is to assist the cadets defray Maritime's extra cost due to the cruises, now called Summer Sea Terms. Remember, our cruises were essentially free (the 1961-62 college catalog listed $200 for our 2nd Class cruise). For some cadets the cost of a cruise is approximately $10,000. For the 2014 Summer Sea Term, the FSMAA class funds, together with individual named endowment funds, awarded nearly $250,000 in cruise scholarships and grants. If everyone in the class pitched in, even just a couple $100, we can meet our goal and make a significant contribution to a young man or woman receiving the full Maritime experience. Let's all contribute and see our class surpass the $25,000 goal by October 25th. Don't forget that if your initial contribution was in 2013, making a contribution now will be credited for your 2014 tax year. MARY’S JUST FOR FUN PAGE: If you haven’t done so recently, go to the website and see the stories she has collected. It has grown to three pages of funny stories from and about you and they are fantastic! AGENDA FOR THE WEEKEND: We have not yet received a brochure from the school regarding the weekend events, etc., HOWEVER, we have our own agenda to blend in with the school’s activities. Friday Morning: There is a golf outing for all alumni at the Pelham Bay-Split Rock Golf Courses in the Bronx, sponsored by the FSMAA (Alumni Association). Jay Barsin has agreed to coordinate foursomes for anyone from our class who wants to play golf that morning. If you are interested, please contact him at [email protected]. All Day Friday: A good day, due to lack of numbers, to tour the Fort, the Ship, the Museum, etc. Friday Evening: Informal gathering at the hotel. We will have a hospitality room. Also, the hotel lobby has sitting areas for intimate groups. There is a bar there for purchase of drinks. You may bring your own drinks, soft or hard, or munchies to the hospitality room but it is requested that we be discreet. Saturday Morning: In “uniform” (shirt, tie, khaki pants and dark jackets), we will muster at 0900 for breakfast for all at the Fort (assuming at the moment…in the Library). At 1030, we will gather in the Sally port to form up to “march in” to the Quadrangle for our 50th Anniversary recognition. The rest of the day, will be free to spend as you wish with friends, or just exploring the Fort. When the brochure comes in, we will forward it to you all. There will be choices for lunch and other activities. Saturday Evening: At 1800 we will gather at the Hotel for a cocktail hour. (Cash bar…cannot charge to your room). At 1900 we will be seated for dinner. There will be 2 (possibly 3…still TBD) choices for dinner. Evening party attire is suggested. Sunday Morning: We will all be free to gather at will with friends for breakfast and farewells. The menu in the lobby restaurant is pretty good and prices are pretty reasonable. We are looking forward to seeing you all in October…..even you procrastinators!! Get to it if you haven’t already done so!!! Deadlines are approaching! Smooth Sailing, Ed, Rick, Jose, Jack and Steve |